
Sunday, September 26, 2010

SHOW US YOUR LIFE - Master Bedroom

I can't seem to get these posted on Fridays!  Anyway, I'm participating in Kelly's Korner Show Us Your Life again this week and it's Master Bedrooms.  I'm not terribly fond of this room in our works, it fulfills its purpose, but the arrangement is a little strange and it's not exactly what I envisioned for our room.  However, I do love the white bedding with green accents, I'm pretty sure I'll hang on to those for a while.  I figure I'll work on that when we get to our new place *fingers crossed it's new*

This is a (very dark, my camera isn't great) picture from the door and looking to the left.  Lily wanted you all to see where she sleeps every night.

This is what you see as you walk from the hallway into the room.  There's just enough space for the dresser against the wall and still have space to walk into the room.  The frame was a wedding present from a friend who speaks Arabic and wrote us a message.  The vases are from Kirkland's and the frame is from Hallmark and has a wedding picture in it.

This is our gigantic bed.  We bought this furniture set about 2 years ago when we lived in an apartment that had an over-sized master.  We didn't measure or anything and it fit just great.  Here, not so much.  My night table has to sit sideways to fit and the room feels like a closet with the huge pieces in it.  Also, because of the room layout, we had to cover up the large window which made me sad.  The bedroom set is from Rooms-2-Go, the bedding from Bed, Bath, & Beyond and the lamps are from Target.

A look to the left.  My dresser that I love.  That door leads to the master bath (another day!)

This is my dresser!  The TV was not always there, but due to Mr. L's early bedtime, I need the TV to keep me occupied when I decide to go to bed when he does.  Also, we both like falling asleep to a tv or movie.  The pictures are a wedding photo and a picture of us from his college military ball.  The art reflected in the mirror is from Walmart.

And lastly, the way out!  That little sliver on the left is our walk-in closet.  The door on the right goes into the hallway.  The art on the wall is a print I picked up when I went to France in high school.  Thanks for looking around!!

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