
Sunday, September 11, 2011

May We Never Forget

It was my freshman year of college, the first time I had moved away from home. More specifically, I had been in Pittsburgh for only 2.5 weeks, long enough for me to realize I LOVED college, but short enough that I hadn't found my way completely around campus yet. Pitt was 5.5 hours from my hometown and I had been lucky enough to go to college with a few friends from high school and my high school boyfriend. I loved the city, but was still afraid to walk around alone. I loved the independence, but still had no idea how I was going to make myself do my homework. I loved the cafeterias, but knew that would get old fast. I loved my friends, my family and pretty much everything. I was a lucky girl, in a fantastic city, at a prestigious school, with wonderful friends. The world, to me, was awesome. My biggest worry was if I would get up in time for my 8am Algebra class. That was September 10, 2001.

 Around 6:00am on September 11, 2001, I was woken up by the screeching fire alarm in my dorm room. I sat straight up, looked around in the dark and said aloud "here we go again". Tower B, my freshman residence hall, had a new fire alarm system installed the summer before I arrived at Pitt, and it was triggered pretty much three times a week in the 2.5 weeks we had been there. My roommate Katie and I were constantly being woken up, called out of the shower, interrupted during homework, you name it because of the alarms. The alarms were short, and we would always head back in afterwards wondering when the alarms would finally be fixed. This morning, however, we heard loud voices from the hallway and when I fully opened my eyes swung my legs out of bed, I realized I smelled smoke. I yelled for Katie and she moved as quickly as she could out of the top bunk. We threw on shoes and sweatshirts and headed for the door. When we threw open the door we saw thin gray smoke and our floor mates quickly heading down the stairs to the lobby. We followed, automatically assuming our building was on fire and we needed to hurry. We were obviously worried, but still grumpy for being awake. Six am is extremely early for a college freshman. That morning, it was not a false alarm. Tower B sat with two other tours on top of a large lobby. Underneath that were dining halls and kitchens. One of the stoves in the kitchen had caught on fire and the smoke was using the vents in the building as an escape route. We waited for about an hour and half, outside in our pajamas, until they let us back in. As I rushed to shower and get ready, as I was due at my new work study job in the Cathedral of Learning by 8, I thought about the nice nap I was going to take when I got home from work at 1pm. I never got that nap.

The phone rang in the office around 9:00am. It was my supervisor’s daughter and she sounded upset, so I handed her the phone quickly. When she hung up, she said “a plane hit the World Trade Center, that’s so sad”. I agreed and went on with my work. Soon, the phone rang again and it was another message “a second plane hit the other tower, I’m pretty sure this is on purpose”. We sat together at the front desk, trying to figure out what this could mean. We didn’t have access to a television and couldn’t find a radio that worked. We continued to work, not really having any other information. Another phone call, another message “okay, now one flew into the Pentagon, something is really wrong”. We decided to find the director and find out what we should do, but no one was around. I walked down to the first floor to see if anyone had any information. We were all lost. I returned to the office and the phone rang again. We were almost afraid to answer it. “Okay mom,” her daughter said “the news just said a plane is down in Pittsburgh, get out of that building now”. The Cathedral of Learning is the tallest education building in the United States and we were sitting on the 12th floor. As we worried and wondered, an announcement came over the emergency loudspeaker that we were to evacuate. I’m not sure I’ve ever moved so fast or been so concerned. As I walked to Tower B (another hugely tall building on campus), I’ll never forget the faces. Some walking with no care in the world, because they had been in class and had no idea that the world had just changed. Some looked terrified, some were crying. I’ll never forget how quiet it was…no planes in the air.

I entered the lobby, not sure what I was going to do. I saw people with bags, packed and ready to go. Our neighbors, new friends from close by, said “come with us, you’ve got to leave”, but I just couldn’t go. I saw Katie walking towards me, looking incredibly confused. She had been in a lab for the past few hours and hadn’t heard anything. I explained as quickly as I could, the little that I did know. We hurried to our room…we figured the third floor was as safe as we could be and turned on the TV. There, I saw the footage that had already aired to the horror of the country. Our room filled with our hometown friends. We left the door open to hear our floor mates leaving, talking, crying. I immediately tried to contact my parents, who I was desperate to speak to, but our cell phones weren’t working. This was pre-Facebook and before my parents really used email. All I wanted to do was talk to my family. We finally figured out that the plane was not actually in Pittsburgh, but about 80 miles away. As I talked to my mom, I cried and wished I was home. I felt vulnerable, confused and totally scared out of my mind. I can say, with totally confidence, that I have never felt that way in my entire life.

I’m not sure I ate that day. I know that I sat on a chair, watched the news and thought about how nothing would ever be the same. Classes resumed the next day and my college career continued. I constantly thought about that the alarm went off, how we were late for class/work, how we thought that would be the worst part of our day. I thought about how that day was just a Tuesday, a regular, beautiful day in Pittsburgh and then it wasn't. I'm just not sure I could wrap my head around it. I'm not sure I ever did. 

For the next few years, every 9-11, I went outside, stood around the school’s memorial and thought about everyone who lost their lives and everyone who was going overseas to fight for our freedom. Though it was 10 years ago, I can remember every feeling I had that day…every nerve that tingled during those phone calls…every tear I cried watching the footage. I didn’t lose anyone personally that day, but I’m pretty sure we all lost that day.

Now, on 9-11, I have a hard time comprehending that it's been 10 years. It’s still sad, it still hurts. And I still remember exactly where I was, what I was doing and what I was feeling. Only now, I get to watch my husband fly overseas to support the war that stemmed from that day. I watch him deploy, to support the United States, to defend our freedoms. 9-11 means a lot in our house…we will never forget.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Home Sweet Dover

Aack! It's been almost 2 months since my last blog :( But I have a good excuse, I promise. We finally closed on our new home and have spent the past 7 weeks "moving in". We had a move in day, but that was followed by "buy new furniture day" (which was followed by "wait for new furniture to be delivered week") and "hanging up the pictures day" and "i don't feel like doing anything day", not to mention a few trips home (i'm so happy we can finally do that!!) and a few visitors here. I still don't have pictures hung up in the basement or the bedrooms and I'm still without a rug in the living room (not to mention the totally destroyed walls due to the moving and bad paint...but that will have to wait until the fall), but it finally feels like we're moved in (note to self: don't let anyone look in the closets...they are not "moved in" and will probably stay like that for a very long time). 

I was super lucky and was able to get a part time job in the Education Office on base just a few days after we got here and I'm really enjoying it. I'm still actively looking for a full time university job, but I am also enjoying having the time to work on the house and take trips.

We're loving Dover and the surrounding area...there's tons to do: DC & VA are so close (i've already made one trip to see A & V and I'm so excited that I'll be able to see them so much more now), home is only 2.5 hours away and the beaches are only 30 minutes. Speaking of beaches, I should get packing. Mr. L, Lily and I are headed to Ocean City, MD have a little vacation...can't wait.

It's nice to be back in blog-land...though I'm not looking forward to catching up on all my favorite blogs...I'm pretty sure my Google Reader said something like 300 missed entries since I last checked. Eeek!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Road So Far...

[cue kickass rock music - shout out to my SPN fans!]

Okay so a LOT has been going on since the last entry. Let's just get to it...

As we figured, Mr. L's training in Altus was delayed. This put a small dent into our travel plans, but we tried to readjust however we could. We ended up not leaving Altus until Friday afternoon (5 days after we were supposed to start our trip). That alone would have been enough to make us a little edgy, but it got even better:
  • Our government travel card was canceled. The Inn suggested we just use our personal credit card...for $4000! Uh, I just about had a heart attack. 30 minutes later and we sort of figured it out. At least enough to not put $4000 on our card.
  • Mr. L decided to put air in our tires before the trip. Couldn't agree more. But something happened and before we knew it, the valve had blown off and we had a flat tire. Seriously? I think Altus didn't want us to leave. One hour later, we had a new rubber replacement valve and our fingers were crossed it would make it 1000 miles.
First stop was to see Joey in Little Rock. We had a fab time and even though we could only stay a few hours, we were so glad to see our friend. It had been almost a year since the last time we saw him and he's Mr. L's BFF from pilot training. It was awesome to get them back together (not to mention that my life is emptier when I don't have a second husband to feed ;)

We continued on our trip and discovered it was prom weekend (along with some festivals) in Memphis and there wasn't a single hotel room anywhere in the city or surrounding areas. Finally, at 4am, we came across a small backwoods town that had an Econo Lodge that was more than happy to check us in. 7 hours of sleep later, we were ready for our trip to the 'burgh.

Pittsburgh was ah-maz-ing. It's the first time I've been back since I graduated (4.5 years) and I just loved being in the city again. It makes my heart happy. We walked around campus, bought lots of new tshirts and trinkets and saw my Little and Nancy. We had Uncle Sam's for lunch, Rock Bottom for dinner and Bruegger's for bfast (I hadn't realized how much I was missing everything bagels and half&half in my life). Onward we went...

After quick stops to Dburg (to see the L's) and Etown (to see my parentals), we picked up Trudy (the new ride) and drove to our new home city.

that's a pretty patriotic photo montage
We arrived at Dover ready to embrace our new town. However, it wasn't ready for us. The base had misplaced our reservation, so we were relegated to a small hotel room that we were supposed to live in for 13 days. Just a mini fridge and a microwave, one bed, one tv, one chair and a bathroom. Not what we asked for. So, luckily for us, a local hotel with suites took us in for our designated military-paid time, that would take us to the closing on our new home...

Our first day in I took the above picture. Pretty much looked finished except for a few outside things. On the 9th, one week before our closing, I called the builder to see how everything was going. The first words out of his mouth were "we've hit a snag". Uh oh. Turns out a meter was placed in the wrong space outside and it was taking about 3 weeks to get the meter moved. This stopped the driveway and sidewalks from being poured and other important outside factors. We would not be closing on the 16th. This means paying out of pocket for a place to live (not in our budget) and canceling our furniture and fridge delivery, plus my parents were coming to visit the whole week and had already taken vacation which couldn't be changed. We were told the earliest we could move in would be the 27th. Needless to say, my sparkling personality went out the window immediately...I feel very lucky my husband loves me a lot because I've been been less than sweet for the past week and a half...

So here we are. Lots has continued to happen, the builder apologized, worked some overtime and  (fingers crossed, I realize things could still happen) we're closing tomorrow. I can't wait to get into our new home and see our stuff for the first time in 6 months. It will be just like Christmas in May :) Please Dover, can we finally have a win? I promise I'll control my spending and be a better person and all that jazz if you just let us move in tomorrow...thanks bunches <3

Thursday, April 28, 2011

In Times Like These...

All day I've been watching the footage of the tornados that hit Tuscaloosa and other cities. Tornados scare the dickens out of me (I've never experienced a real one, but had a close call when I was younger) and I just cannot imagine what it would be like to actually see one, experience one or be involved in one. Though Columbus was not hit by the tornado, Tuscaloosa is only an  hour away and I spent many an hour there shopping. Yesterday I saw the Hobby Lobby that I frequented pretty much every other week was leveled. I just can't imagine how that could be...I get mother nature and all that, but to actually understand how all those buildings could just disappear, how all those people could be killed in a matter of minutes, I just can't comprehend it. My heart goes out to the people at the University of Alabama...just students who were looking forward to the end of the school year, ready for finals and ready for summer and in an instant it's all changed. I'll probably be hooked to the TV for the rest of the night.

Speaking of hooked to the TV...I realize there are awful things happening in the country right now, like these tornados. Not to mention the wars, the deaths, etc. happening overseas. Sometimes I just feel like there's never anything GOOD happening for us all to be part of. This is why, despite all the horrific things occurring right now, I will be wrapped up in Royal Wedding bliss tomorrow (as much as I can be considering that we are supposed to be starting our road trip tomorrow morning). I've read a lot of comments on Facebook about how people can't believe that news stations are still talking about it, that it's nonsense, that there are more important things to be concerned about. But what these people don't realize is that sometimes all that news, no matter how importan, no matter how real, is hard to take in. Sometimes people need a reason to smile, a reason to see the good in the world, a reason to escape from all the death and sadness. At least that's how I feel...I feel like it's okay for me to watch the Royal Wedding and be excited for two people in love and enjoy it. It doesn't mean I'm silly or that I don't care about what's going on in the world. It means that I need to see something happy...I WANT to see the excitement and the fun. I don't enjoy having to defend the things I like, but I feel like it's necessary in times like these.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Sometimes I want to update my blog and then I just forget. Other times I just have way too much going on to sit down and hammer out an update. Then other times I just don't think there's enough to say. The past 4 months would be one of those times. Now, however, I think it's finally time for an update...

bye bye first home!!
Since my last REAL entry (not a SUYL), Mr. L has come home from survival training (good news: he survived!), we packed up our house, the movers came and we left Mississippi. It was exciting, chaotic and even a little sad. Though Columbus was not my favorite place we've lived, it holds a lot of sentimental value to us. First, it was the first home we lived in together during the first year of our marriage. Second, it's the home where we got Lily. Third, it was our home while Mr. L went through pilot training, which was by far the most crazy, interesting and exciting year in our lives thus far. So I had a few tears as I walked around the empty house before we left. Though I can tell you, Columbus looks pretty awesome in the rearview mirror :)

2011 Hyundai Santa Fe
After a 14 hour drive to PA, we spent Christmas split between my family and Mr. L's. While there, we bought a new vehicle (RIP Kia Spectra, you'll always be my first baby), took a trip to Dover to scope out a new place to live and tried to spend some time together since we'd be separated for a while. At the beginning of January, Mr. L started his own road trip and arrived in Altus, Oklahoma for his C-17 training.

Marc, Dad, Mom (with Riley) & me (with Lily)

While he was away, Lily and I spent January through the beginning of April living with my parents. I realize that at 28 years old a lot of people might not be able to do this.  However, I just don't ever have an issue living in a bedroom in my parents house. My parents are two of my best friends and my mom and I like a lot of the same things - tv shows, books, clothes, etc. I lived there for free while Mr. L was away and we were able to save up our money to put towards our new home. My parents are pretty amazing and they always make room and time for us whenever we need it and we could never say thank you enough to them for letting us crash their house at any time :) Also, I got to spend a lot of time with my extended family, which is great because while we lived so far away, I didn't get to see them as much.

The model of our townhome end unit :)
In those 3 months, we also bought a house in Dover. I stayed in PA so that I was able to make trips to Delaware to pick out our counters, cabinets, etc. and to sign the millions of papers. The house should be ready in mid-May and we cannot WAIT to move in and start our next adventure.

Finally made it!
This past Sunday, I packed a small bag, left Lily with my parents and flew to Oklahoma to finally see Mr. L after 3.5 months. Delta tried to make this impossible, with delays, employees who didn't show for work, and other nonsense, but 23 hours after waking up, I finally made it. It was awesome to see my hubby again, I'd missed him too much :)

C-17 Globemaster
So now here we are in Oklahoma. Altus is...small. That seems about the nicest thing I can say about it, but we're here only for a short amount of time. We're living in TLF, which is actually a lot nicer than the last one we stayed in and I'll be reading my Nook and watching a lot of Netflix while Mr. L finishes up his training. In fact, today is his FIRST flight in the C-17...first time ever going up in one in the pilot seat...and actually flying it. Crazy. I can't wait until he gets home so I can hear all about it!!

We should be starting our half cross-country trip to Delaware sometime late next week, as long as the weather here cooperates. We are hoping to visit Joey in LR and make it to Pittsburgh (for the first time since we graduated) for a day. However, we don't really make plans (because we've learned the AF lesson quite a few times), so we're just going to see what happens. 

Thanks for reading friends. Be back soon!

Friday, April 15, 2011


This week it's time for our book list. If you know me, then you know this entry could go on for days. I've been voraciously reading since I was young and besides spending time with my family, it's my most favorite thing to do in the whole world. I read quite a few books a month and I'm open to reading ANYTHING, though my favorites are mysteries, supernatural/fantasy, and comedies.

I own a Nook and I love it. However, I still like to read actual books. I use the base library to satisfy that need, by taking out books that are from authors that I like and want to read all their stories (James Patterson, Mary Higgins Clark, Jodi Picoult, & Nicholas Sparks) and also random stories that are suggested to me by
friends or I see online (please read 'Dog On It' by Spencer Quinn and the rest of his stories)!!!




  • The Great Gatsby has been my favorite books since I was in 10th grade. I can't explain it, it just is.
  • I just finished To Kill A Mockingbird for the very first time. I'm sad I waited so long to read it, it was amazing.
  • The Twilight Saga is proabably one of the best series/books I've ever read. Go ahead and judge me, but I'm totally serious. And if you've only seen the movies, you have no idea what the story is really like. You MUST read the books.
  • The Passage was one of the most confusing, interesting and aggravating stories I've ever read. I had no idea it was the first in a trilogy when I read it and totally didn't get the I have to wait up to 3 more years to actually understand the story. I can't wait!
  • I'm currently reading Under the Dome. It's a 1000 page book and I'm only on 100, but I'm already completely sucked in. I can't wait to finish it.
  • At first I was wary to get into another YA series, but I'm so glad I did. These books are gritty, adventurous, and well written. I was hooked the minute I started. A definitely must read as well.
  • The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is a phenomenal book, just amazing. The two follow-ups aren't as great, but as a whole, it was a super series and I'd definitely recommend it.
These are just a small portion of my favorites. I love so many books. I have a list of 40 books right now that I'd like to read, I just need to learn to read faster. I would love to know how you feel about these books and if you have any other suggestions of things to read.

Thanks friends!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


It's time for another "Show Us Your Life".  Instead of sharing about my husband and puppy (whom I adore and could talk about forever), I'm going to share about the family I grew up with!

The most recent family picture, 9/2009
My parents were very young when they had me and during my early years they worked so hard to make sure that I would have a great life.  They had a lot of help as I was growing up (my dad is one of 6 so I have a ton of aunts and uncles and both of my grandmothers were instrumental in raising me), but they had to grow up very quickly.  They were and still are the BEST parents.  I consider my mom to be one of my best friends and my dad is always the first person I turn to when I need help or just someone to laugh with. 

Don't get me wrong, I was a very typical teenage girl and between the ages of 12 and 18, my mom and I were not friends.  I'm pretty sure we didn't even like each other (there's a huge difference between loving someone and actually LIKING them).  I thought she didn't know anything and she thought I was a brat.  Luckily, it was a stage.  As soon as I left for college, I realized how much I needed them and how well they took care of me.  I talked to my mom a lot more than my friends did while I was away at college and in the 4.5 years since I graduated, she's become the first person I turn to when I need to vent and when I need to make a decision.  We like the same books, TV shows and movies and shop at the same clothing stores.  I am SO glad that we have the relationship that we do, I couldn't ask for a better mom or friend.

I am a total daddy's girl.  I'm pretty sure I always have been and I don't think that will ever change.  My dad is one of the funniest guys I know and he loves to hang out and just relax.  We have the same sense of humor (often finding movies and TV shows hilarious while my mom looks on in confusion) and loves helping people and taking care of things.  He doesn't talk much (not many of the men in our family do, the women do enough of that), but when he does, it's important or hilarious.  Also, my dad can fix anything!  Seriously, he always has the right solution and the right tool to do the work!  Whenever we prepare to fix or build anything, my dad is the first call...and he always knows just what to say!  My dad has supported me through every step of my life and never failed to mention how proud of me he was.

My brother Marc is 10 years younger than me and while we've never been best friends, we're as close as we can be (he was 8 when I went away to college and I haven't lived in the same house with him on a long-term basis since).  When I got to high school, we had nothing in common and there wasn't much for us to talk about.  But when I went away, I realized how much I missed my brother, how I hated that I wasn't around as he was growing up.  Every summer break, I spent as much time as I could with him and we've reached a good point in the brother/sister relationship.  He's old enough now that we can talk about life, share music, go out to lunch together and I can give him advice. It's incredibly hard for me to believe he's 18 and I feel like just yesterday I was holding him in the hospital the day he was born. Marc is incredibly funny, a little sensitive and loves his car. Despite not being super close when we were younger, I love my little (but much taller) brother more than I can say and hope I get to see a lot more of him now that we'll live closer.

I am extremely close to my family.  I'm in my late 20s and have had no problem living with my parents and brother for the past 2 months.  I know this wouldn't fly with most people...but my parents are my friends and after living over 1000 miles away for the past 4 years, I value any time I can spend with them, long or short.

Monday, February 21, 2011



Kelly's SUYL this week is all about Alma Maters.  I'm super excited to share this one because I LOVED The University of Pittsburgh and everything that went along with it.  I chose to go for two reasons:

1) My really great friend Pat had applied and I didn't want to go away to college alone...
2) I was required (by my parents) to stay in the state for money purposes.

Regardless of the reasons, I loved the city, the people, the classes, the parties, the activities, etc. and I look back on those 5 years as some of the best of my life.  Here are the main reasons for that:

My sorority sisters
My pledge sister class

My fabulous little sister

Resident Assistant staff (best job ever!!)

Being in Pittsburgh when the Steelers won the 2006 Superbowl!!!

Meeting my two amazing best friends!

Finding my husband <3

I bleed Blue and Gold and I'm proud to call myself a Panther.  I love the University of Pittsburgh :)