
Sunday, September 26, 2010

SHOW US YOUR LIFE - Master Bedroom

I can't seem to get these posted on Fridays!  Anyway, I'm participating in Kelly's Korner Show Us Your Life again this week and it's Master Bedrooms.  I'm not terribly fond of this room in our works, it fulfills its purpose, but the arrangement is a little strange and it's not exactly what I envisioned for our room.  However, I do love the white bedding with green accents, I'm pretty sure I'll hang on to those for a while.  I figure I'll work on that when we get to our new place *fingers crossed it's new*

This is a (very dark, my camera isn't great) picture from the door and looking to the left.  Lily wanted you all to see where she sleeps every night.

This is what you see as you walk from the hallway into the room.  There's just enough space for the dresser against the wall and still have space to walk into the room.  The frame was a wedding present from a friend who speaks Arabic and wrote us a message.  The vases are from Kirkland's and the frame is from Hallmark and has a wedding picture in it.

This is our gigantic bed.  We bought this furniture set about 2 years ago when we lived in an apartment that had an over-sized master.  We didn't measure or anything and it fit just great.  Here, not so much.  My night table has to sit sideways to fit and the room feels like a closet with the huge pieces in it.  Also, because of the room layout, we had to cover up the large window which made me sad.  The bedroom set is from Rooms-2-Go, the bedding from Bed, Bath, & Beyond and the lamps are from Target.

A look to the left.  My dresser that I love.  That door leads to the master bath (another day!)

This is my dresser!  The TV was not always there, but due to Mr. L's early bedtime, I need the TV to keep me occupied when I decide to go to bed when he does.  Also, we both like falling asleep to a tv or movie.  The pictures are a wedding photo and a picture of us from his college military ball.  The art reflected in the mirror is from Walmart.

And lastly, the way out!  That little sliver on the left is our walk-in closet.  The door on the right goes into the hallway.  The art on the wall is a print I picked up when I went to France in high school.  Thanks for looking around!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Love Television

I'm not ashamed, I'm a TV junkie.  I blame my parents (sorry Mom & Dad) because I had a TV in my room when I was 4 years old and I've never been without one.  I watched all the shows when I was younger (ALF, Full House, Small Wonder, I was in love with TGIF & Snick) and I've pretty much always had a TV schedule during the week.  It was harder to do when I was in college and grad school, but I did my best.  I discovered DVR about 4 years ago when we moved into our first apartment in Pittsburgh and I'm pretty much addicted (I only wish you could record more than two shows at a time!)

I haven't always loved my year off here in Columbus...I like to be busy and have a job and be really purposeful and living here has pretty much be the opposite of that.  However, my TV addiction was only increased by having all the time in the world to watch new shows!  In fact, I love Fall, not only for football, the (northeast) weather and sweaters, but because it's TV show premiere time!  This week has been fantastic because all of my favorite shows have started again!  Last week I prepared the DVR so I wouldn't miss anything and I found that I have 16 shows in my DVR...SIXTEEN!!!! And yes, I watch all of these, not one of them are just for Mr. L (he doesn't exactly have time to watch TV).  Would you like to know what shows I'm watching?  I thought you would :)

How I Met Your Mother - Super funny and only a half hour.  Mr. L loves this one too so we watch it together.
CSI, CSI: Miami, & CSI:NY - Oh yes, I watch all of them. (I also love to watch the reruns on Spike & A&E)
Criminal Minds - I'm a huge fan of this series and I try to get people hooked on it all the time.
The Vampire Diaries - I thought this would be terrible at first, but I love the story!
Project Runway - I don't know a thing about fashion, but I'm so impressed by people who can turn a piece of fabric into an entire outfit.
The Gilmore Girls - I didn't keep up with this when it was on TV for real, so now I DVR all the episodes (two a day on ABC Familiy) so I can see all of them...I just need to see Seasons 2 & 3 and I'll have seen them all.
Pretty Little Liars - I watch ABC Family so much that I got sucked in when this premiered.  Now I have to know what's going on.
So You Think You Can Dance - I love dance.  I love people who are amazing dancers.  Thus, this show is the best. Just waiting for the new season to start.
True Blood - I read all the books and loved them, so I got HBO specifically to watch this show. 
Glee - This is the BEST show.  I love music and theater and I would join Glee if I could.
Teen Mom - I can't help's my guilty pleasure.  I need to keep up with this girls, it's terrible.
Supernatural - This is by far my favorite television show.  Mr. L and I have seen every episode and are impatiently waiting for the season premiere tomorrow night.

Not only do I watch these shows, but there are several others I watch every time they are on TV: Las Vegas (I watch the reruns on TNT), Bones (also on TNT), and That 70s Show (I've seen every episode like 10 times, but they are always just as funny) and Will & Grace (same as that 70s show).  I also love Modern Family and the Big Bang Theory but they are on at the same time as shows above, so we'll probably catch up during the summer.  I'm also a huge fan of the History Channel, HGTV (House Hunters is awesome) and Oprah.

Despite all of these, there are still shows I wish that I watched, ones that I've never seen but heard are amazing: Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Weeds, & 30 Rock.  Maybe these will happen through Netflix.

So now that I've made it clear that television is my hobby, I'd love to know what you guys think (not really about my "hobby", I'm sure most people think this much TV is a waste of time) about the shows!  Does anyone watch these as well?  I'd love to know how you feel about them!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lily Sunday

Since I'm trying to stay on the "blogging train", I'm going to keep up with what I started a while ago.  I just adore our puppy Lily and she's so cute that I feel like she should be shared with all of you!  So here's to another Lily Sunday :)

This is my FAVORITE picture of Lily.  She was home for only a few days when we snapped this shot and it was so good, we put it on our Christmas card last year.  Lily has huge ears...not basset hound huge, but really huge for her size.  Not only are they big, but she can control them.  Normally they are just down, but she can lift them straight up, put one up and one down, or pull them straight back (see the last Lily Sunday for an example).  Everyone who has ever seen her comments on her crazy ears and I'm pretty sure she realizes that her ears can get her whatever she wants.  This picture makes me smile no matter how many mattresses she tears up *true story* or times she throws up *she has a sensitive stomach* all over our rugs.

SHOW US YOUR LIFE - Living Rooms

I follow a blog called Kelly's Korner (love her blog by the way, her daughter is too cute!) and she does this great thing called "Show Us Your Life".  I participated in few in the past, and after a break for the summer, she's back at it!  This time, it's house tours and I'm soooooo super excited for it!  One of my favorite things to do is to sneak a peek into other people's homes (okay, that sounds creepy...I'm just really into seeing how other's decorate!!)  This week is Living Rooms and I decided to not only look at the pics, but participate as well.  Behold, the L's living room!!

**Disclaimer: I LOVE interior design and everything that goes along with homes...but I'm not super great at making it happen in my home.  I'm forever looking for better ways to make our house scream "us", but I'm a terrible shopper and am incredibly indecisive.  So, I pretend I'm awesome at it :)**

This is our living room view from the kitchen/dining room.  We live in new privatized military housing, so while the square footage and layout is AMAZING, the tan walls and tan carpet leave much to be desired.  We are allowed to paint, however we are currently in training, so we don't plan on staying longer than a year and a half, so I just don't feel like repainting (which is required) before we move again.  Of course, our couches from our previous home just so happened to match the carpet and walls, so I was left with a pretty bland canvas.  We bought dark wood tables when we moved in to offset the light colored everything and I tried to invest in dark accessories to help tone it down.  Look closely and you'll see that Lily made sure to be involved in the house tour too (along with her favorite frisbee toy)!

This is the view from the front door.  Lily once again needed to be in the picture (she takes after her momma).  As you can see the living room is ridiculously oversized for me, Mr. L and Lily, but it does come in handy for football parties!  I recently got bored and moved the couches around (picture the short loveseat in front of the half wall, that was the layout for a year).  Now, the room feels smaller because I cut part of the room out (see next picture).  We'd love to mount the TV, but once again due to a *hopefully* impending move, we just aren't going to do it.  Also, that large open space in front of the half wall should house a chair with an ottoman...since we don't have the funds right now, we just pretend there is one :)

This is the space directly to the right of the front door.  We chose to purchase a sofa table when we bought the coffee table and it houses some books, decorations and wedding pictures.  You can see the back of the love seat and how I "cut" the room into two parts.  I had NO idea what to do with this area when it was open to the couches and now that I can't see it due to loveseat, I just don't look over there!

A close up of the couch area.  As with all the other windows in our house, we don't have curtains.  I WANT them so badly, but it's just something I didn't get to.  The art on the wall is a black and white picture of the Eiffel Tower (a wedding present from my GLittle!) and the small squares are from Hobby Lobby.  Despite the lightness of the couches (the dark spots are not shadows, they are wear :() they are the most COMFORTABLE couches in the whole world!!!! We spend ALL of our time on these couches (we're huge TV people, so we even eat our dinner on them most of the time!) They were purchased from Ashley's Furniture about 3 years ago and I'm hoping to maybe slipcover them in the future so we can keep the comfiness!

Thanks so much for touring!  Can't wait to see everyone else's!

It's Been Too Long

I really thought that I'd blog all the time, about everything, but somehow that just didn't happen. It's been over 3 months since my last post...I guess that just goes to show you how much has been going on here in Columbus (i.e. NOTHING! there's not a thing to write about!). Recently I've really gotten into reading other people's blogs, mostly home and decorating ones, trying to get ideas to spice up our house. In turn, I've realized that it would be great if I could get back into chronicling our life online, if only for me to be able to look back one day and cherish those memories. So, here I stand saying "I'm going to try really really really hard to find things to blog about, regardless of how many people read this". Let's see how that goes :)